Vegeta jr
Рецепт приготовления
Помимо основного ингредиента, поваренной соли (в некоторых разновидностях используется морская соль ), смеси приправ содержат различные виды овощей и зелени . Хотя рецепт оригинального продукта Vegeta с глутаматом натрия в качестве усилителя вкуса остался неизменным, также доступны смеси специй без усилителей вкуса.
С 2006 года существует множество разновидностей Вегеты, в том числе: Вегета натуральная без глутамата и красителей. Название серии Vegeta natural частично основано на предполагаемом использовании, например Б. для птицы, для рыбы и для салата.
Сопоставимые продукты других производителей: z. B. Aromat от немецкого производителя Knorr или продукт Fondor от Maggi , которые не содержат сухих сухих овощей. Чешская Vegetka и Словацкая Доброте , которые также сопоставимы , теперь также обойтись без усилителей вкуса.
Пищевая ценность 100 г Вегеты Оригинал | |
Энергетическая ценность | 583 кДж (137 ккал ) |
белок | 8,5 г |
углеводы | 24,5 г |
толстый | 0,6 г |
Сравнение компонентов из Вегета оригинала и Вегета Natur :
ингредиент | Вегета оригинал | Вегета природа |
соль | Поваренная соль , не более 55% | Морская соль , не более 55% |
Сушеные овощи | 15% | 32% |
К сушеным овощам относятся: |
Морковь , пастернак , картофель , лук , сельдерей , петрушка плоская |
Морковь , пастернак , картофель , лук , сельдерей , петрушка плоская |
другие овощи | нет | Помидор , лук-порей , перец |
Глутамат натрия или инозинат динатрия | макс. 15% | не включено |
сахар | содержать | содержать |
Специи | заявлено только как специи | Любисток , черный перец , куркума , чеснок , укроп |
Кукурузный крахмал | содержать | не включено |
краситель | Рибофлавин | не включено |
И с чем это едят?
Интересно, с чем же особенно вкусна приправа «Вегета»? Тут надо сказать, что продукт в хорошем смысле универсален и одинаково гармонично дополнит гарниры, мясные и рыбные блюда, а также салаты и соуса. Кроме того, «Вегета» аппетитно выглядит даже с виду и полностью заменяет присутствие натуральных приправ, например, петрушки, укропа и перца.
Но натуральные добавки всё-таки не теряют своей актуальности. Просто приправа играет роль усилителя; она концентрирует вкус специй и делает блюдо более ароматным и насыщенным.
Чайная ложка «Вегеты», добавленная в процессе готовки, позволяет быстро достигнуть высот в кулинарном мастерстве. За пять минут до готовности нужно добавить ложечку в тушеное и варенное блюдо. В результате получается ароматное и очень аппетитное блюдо с ароматами Средиземного моря. «Вегета» не содержит глютен и лактозу, а потому она соответствует требованиям, предъявляемым к функциональной пище. Так что забота о здоровье для производителей приправы остаётся в приоритете.
В пропорциях чайная ложка «Вегеты» — это примерно 3 грамма. Этого количества достаточно для заправки одной порции на 250 мл.
- На тогдашнем югославском телевидении было несколько телевизионных программ, в которых была показана смесь специй Вегета. В 1974 году транслировались передачи Male tajne velikih majstora kuhinje ( нем . Маленькие секреты великого кухонного мастера ) и в 1980-х годах Vegetina kuhinja ( нем . Кухня Вегеты ). Последнюю модерировал известный шеф-повар Стево Карапанджа, который готовил вместе со знаменитостями.
- В 1970-х годах появился рекламный слоган «… i jedna žlica Vegete» ( нем. «… И ложка Вегеты» ).
- Вегета неоднократно получала награду «Супербренд», в том числе в Польше, России, Венгрии и Словакии.
- Вегета — это имя главного героя аниме- сериала « Жемчуг дракона Z», а также название вымышленной планеты.
- Вегета стала известна в Германии в рамках программы Kitchen Impossible благодаря шеф-повару Тему Мельцеру .
Young Adult
Kid (DBZ)
Kid (Super)
Super Saiyan
Super Vegeta
Super Saiyan 2
Super Saiyan 3
Majin Vegeta
GT and Beyond
GT (SS4)
Prince of Planet Vegeta (formerly)
Frieza Force Soldier (formerly)Member of the Dragon Team
Exceptional Physicality
High IntelligenceSuperhuman StrengthSuperhuman SpeedSuperhuman DurabilitySuperhuman EnduranceSuperhuman StaminaEnhanced SensesEnhanced ReflexesMartial ArtsHand-to-Hand Combat ProficiencyFlightTeleportationKi ManipulationKi-Based Energy AttacksErgokinesisVarious Saiyan TransformationsZenkai BoostsStrategy
Obtain the Dragon Balls and attain immortality (formerly).
Kill Frieza and avenge the Saiyan race (formerly).Surpass Goku and become the strongest fighter in the universe (ongoing).
- King Vegeta III (father; deceased)
- Unnamed Mother (deceased)
- Tarble (younger brother)
- Bulma (wife)
- Trunks (son)
- Future Trunks (son; alternative timeline)
- Bulla (daughter)
- Dr. Brief (father-in-law)
- Panchy (mother-in-law)
- Tights (sister-in-law)
- Gure (sister-in-law)
- Bulma Leigh (descendant)
- Vegeta Jr. (descendant)
Frieza (arch-enemy)CellRed Ribbon AndroidsFrieza ForceGinyu ForceDr. Gero/Android 20Android 13Android 14Android 15Android 19Babidi’s MajinsBabidiMajin BuuCoolerParagusBrolyJanembaSyn/Omega ShenronFrostGoku Black/ZamasuKing ColdGinyu ForceZarbonDodoriaAndroids 16, 17 & 18 (formerly)
Kid Vegeta, designed by K. Nakatsuru (Son Goku Densetsu)
Vegeta concept art for Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans
Vegeta concept art
Androids Saga Vegeta concept art
Vegeta art for Battle of Gods
Art of Vegeta by Akira Toriyama
Artwork of Vegeta and Goku in suits
Vegeta in his Earthling formal wear
Kid Vegeta in Broly
Vegeta’s winter gear in Broly
Vegeta and Goku playing video games (Daizenshuu 1)
Battle of Gods Vegeta artwork
Vegeta art used by FUNimation
Vegeta in Infinite World
Vegeta with his scouter in Attack of the Saiyans
Vegeta’s battle stance in Attack of the Saiyans
Great Ape Vegeta in Attack of the Saiyans
Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Super Saiyan Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Super Saiyan Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Super Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Super Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Majin Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta in Raging Blast 2
Art of Vegeta in Zenkai Battle Royale
Super Saiyan Vegeta in Zenkai Battle Royale
Vegeta in Ultimate Tenkaichi
Battle-damaged Vegeta in Ultimate Tenkaichi
Super Saiyan Vegeta in Ultimate Tenkaichi
Vegeta art for Battle of Z
Vegeta art for Battle of Z
Vegeta art for Battle of Z
Vegeta’s artwork for Dragon Ball Online
Vegeta in J-Stars Victory Vs
Vegeta art
Vegeta artwork
2017 Calendar
Vegeta in Universe Survival Arc
Vegeta’s artwork for Broly
Vegeta Prison Planet
Super Saiyan Vegeta in Namek Saga Armor by Dragon Garow Lee
Super Saiyan Vegeta drawn by Dragon Garow Lee
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Having been created with the Potara earrings from two equal beings, Vegetto is an entirely different being from both Gokū and Vegeta. Because he was created from them, his personality has traits of both Vegeta and Gokū and has also inherited their memories. Despite being a fusion of both Gokū and Vegeta, Vegetto’s personality appears to garner more of its strengths from the Vegeta-half. He has shown himself to be rude and arrogant in combat, proud of his power and prone to belittling opponents while winning a battle.Vegetto also possesses Vegeta’s tendency for adding «Super» before his name, referring to himself as «Super Vegetto» (スーパー ベジット, Sūpā Bejītto; FUNimation «Super Vegito», Viz «Super Vegerot»). He has also inherited Gokū’s love for his friends and family, prioritizing their rescue over immediately killing Majin Boo, even willingly letting himself be absorbed so that he could rescue them. Much like Gokū, he also speaks in the Tōhoku (東北) dialect of Japanese.
Vegetto is also a very intelligent and crafty individual, best shown while on the battlefield. He deliberately played on Bū’s anger and insecurities, toying with the Majin and goading him into absorbing him, as well as being well aware of his his enemies’ techniques work and how to counter them.
In his battle with Zamasu, it was revealed he is capable of being serious when need be, although he still retains his tauntful nature. Unlike the fused Zamasu, Vegetto was merged from two highly disciplined fighters. As such he rarely leaves any openings for his opponents to attack. In the manga, he stated he had no intention of dragging out the fight against the fused Zamasu and planned to eliminate him before Zamasu’s fusion expired. This adds credit to the fact he taunted Boo in order to get absorbed and save his friends and family.
Despite being a product of fusion, Vegetto is not without unique traits of his own. One example is how he nicknames himself with his transformations such as Super Vegetto as a Super Saiyan as well as Vegetto Blue as a Super Saiyan Blue.
До тех пор, пока его хвост не был отрезан, Вегета мог превратиться в гигантское обезьяноподобное существо, называемое Озару ( 大 猿 , букв. «Великая Обезьяна») , глядя на полную луну, способность, обычная для всех сайян с хвостами. Вегета обладает способностью создавать и усиливать атаки с помощью ки . У него также есть способность использовать Буку-дзюцу ( 舞 空 術 , букв: «Техника воздушного танца») , что позволяет ему летать. Постоянные тренировки и его саянское наследие дали ему огромную сверхчеловеческую силу, стойкость, скорость и рефлексы. Вегета может многократно увеличить свою силу, скорость, выносливость, неуязвимость и скорость полета, если направит в них ки.
Известно, что Вегета дает названия своим различным энергетическим атакам. В своем раннем появлении Вегета использует атаки, похожие на несколько главных героев сериала, такие как Ki Disk Razor ( 気 円 斬 , Kienzan ) , похожий на лазер диск, способный разрезать твердые объекты, и ки волна похожа на Камехамеха Гоку . Одна из его наиболее известных атак — Galick Gun ( ギ ャ リ ッ ク 砲 , Gyarikku Hō ) , хотя он использует ее только один раз в серии; во время его битвы с Гоку в попытке уничтожить Землю. Позже он развивает техники Атаки Большого Взрыва ( ビ ッ グ ・ バ ン ・ ア タ ッ ク , Биггу Бан Атакку ) и Последней вспышки ( フ ァ イ ナ ル フ ラ ュ , Фаинару Фурассу ) , которые намного мощнее, чем его старые энергетические атаки. Одна из наиболее часто используемых тактик Вегеты в сериале — это когда он бомбардирует противника множеством небольших выстрелов ки . Неизвестно , что у него есть официальное название для этой атаки, но иногда ее называют « Энергетические шары быстрого огня» ( 連 続 エ ネ ル ギ ー 弾 , Renzoku Enerugī Dan ) . В Dragon Ball GT Вегета демонстрирует новую мощную атаку, назвав ее Final Shine Attack ( フ ァ イ ナ ル シ ャ イ ン タ ッ ク , Файнару Шайн Атакку ) , где он левой рукой стреляет массивным лучом зеленого ки, который расширяется с расстоянием. Благодаря своей огромной силе и мощи, Вегета, наряду со многими другими персонажами из франшизы Dragon Ball , может уничтожать целые планеты, если не звездные системы или галактики, с помощью одиночных атак, если он намеревается.
Вегета также обладает несколькими трансформациями, которые в разной степени значительно улучшают его способности. Он получает способность превращаться в Супер Сайяна и, благодаря обучению, может дальше превращаться в продвинутые состояния Супер Сайяна по мере продолжения сериала. Веджета позже достигли очень мощный Супер Saiyan синий ( 超サイヤ人ゴッドСС (スーパーサイヤ人ゴッドスーパーサイヤ人 ) , SUPA Saiya-джин Goddo SUPA Saiya-Jin ) преобразование под руководством Whis в. Во время битвы с Цзиженом, смертным сильнее разрушителя, Вегета открывает трансформацию под названием Super Saiyan Blue Evolution, преодолевая свои крайние пределы. Вегета также может слиться с Гоку и создать воина, обладающего объединенной силой и умениями обоих. Один из способов заключается в использовании Potara серьги, представленные в Гоку на Старый Кайо-голень . Это приводит к «слиянию потары», создающему Вегито ( ジ ッ ト Be , Беджитто , «Вегерот» в переводе манги Viz Media ) , который при повторном появлении в Dragon Ball Super также может трансформироваться в Супер Сайяна Бога Супер Сайяна. Другой метод — это исполнение «Метаморского танца фьюжн», который создает Гогету ( ゴ ジ ー タ , Годзита ) .
Желтоватый порошок специй производит хорватская компания Podravka, штаб-квартира которой находится в Копривнице . Компания была основана в 1947 году и наиболее известна за пределами Хорватии своей смесью специй Вегета, которая сейчас доступна более чем в 40 странах. Другие продукты, некоторые из которых продаются под другими торговыми марками, — это супы-саше, детское питание, сладкие спреды (например, крем из нуги ) и рыбные консервы. Большинство этих продуктов недоступно в Германии.
Вегета была разработана в лабораториях Подравки в 1958 году под руководством Златы Бартл . Спущен на воду в Югославии в 1959 году . В ее честь в 2001 году компания учредила фонд для аспирантов и аспирантов.
Продукт в синей упаковке был впервые выпущен на югославский рынок в 1959 году под названием Vegeta 40 . В 1967 году он также экспортировался в Венгрию, а затем в СССР . В 1995 году был установлен экспортный рекорд — 26 000 тонн .
Компания имеет филиал в Польше и две лицензионные компании в Австрии и Венгрии.
Как правильно сушить?
Основная сложность в приготовлении вегеты заключается в процессе сушки всех ингредиентов. Он значительно сокращается, если есть сушилка для овощей или хотя бы микроволновка. При их отсутствии можно высушить овощи и зелень в духовке, но это займет больше времени.
Непосредственно перед сушкой надо мелко нарезать зелень, предварительно убрав толстые стебли растений. Овощи лучше нарезать небольшими кубиками со стороной 3-4 миллиметра. Подготовленные овощи выложить на противень, покрытый бумагой для выпечки. Сушить при температуре 40-50 градусов до готовности.
Зелень надо сушить отдельно от овощей, так как время до полного высыхания у них разное. Болгарский перец содержит больше всего влаги в своем составе. Сушить его тоже лучше отдельно и при чуть более высокой температуре.
References & Notes
- ↑ Dragon Ball episode 66
- ↑ Dragon Ball chapter 504, page 1
- ↑ Dragon Ball chapter 23
- Dragon Ball chapter 505, page 3
- Dragon Ball chapter 504, pages 7-11
- Dragon Ball chapter 505, page 1
- Dragon Ball chapter 506, page 5
- ↑ Dragon Ball chapters 504-505
- Dragon Ball chapter 505
- Dragon Ball Super chapter 23
- Dragon Ball chapter 505, pages 10-13
- Dragon Ball chapter 506
- Dragon Ball Kai episode 146
- Dragon Ball Kai episode 147
- Daizenshū 7
- Dragon Ball chapter 504, page 2
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super chapter 23
- Dragon Ball Z: Revival of ‘F’
- Dragon Ball chapter 503, pages 11-13
- Dragon Ball chapter 504, pages 1-2
- Dragon Ball chapter 504, pages 3-7
- Dragon Ball chapter 504, pages 8-13
- Dragon Ball chapter 505, pages 1-8
- Dragon Ball chapter 505, pages 9-13
- Dragon Ball chapter 506, pages 5-6
Особенности состава
Калорийность вегеты составляет 137 ккал на 100 граммов приправы. Учитывая, что на порцию готового блюда весом 250 граммов надо одну неполную чайную ложку приправы, использование вегеты возможно даже при соблюдении диеты.
Особенностью этой специи является наличие в составе, который производитель держит до сих пор в тайне, глутамата натрия. Это он заставляет вкусовые рецепторы нашего языка ощущать вкус более длительное время.
Среди потребителей до сих пор идут споры о вреде глутамата натрия для человеческого организма. Но ученые выяснили, что в естественной среде он существует во всех овощах, обладающих ярко выраженным вкусом. Это помидоры и водоросли, горчичное семя, перец и другие.
Опасения вызывает тот факт, что в пищевой промышленности используется вегета приправа из искусственно синтезированных химических компонентов. Если разложить на химические составляющие натуральный и химически синтезированный глутамат натрия, то состав обоих будет абсолютно идентичен.
Physical Abilities
Main article: Saiyan
Considered to be a prodigy, even amongst high-class warriors, Vegeta is the powerful Prince of all Saiyans, with his own strength even surpassing that of his father at a young age. As a Saiyan, Vegeta possesses a vast array of superhuman physical attributes, which he has trained to God-like levels through years of rigorous training.
- Superhuman Strength: As a Saiyan, Vegeta possesses immense physical strength, far more advanced than that of any human being, and most alien races. He is strong enough to effortlessly break all Earthling-made materials or weapons, move in increased gravity without any discomfort, and even lift a suit capable of sinking through a planet. Although, in a comical scene of the Dragon Ball Super manga, even as a Super Saiyan he is not strong enough to even make the one thousand ton Magetta move.
- Superhuman Speed: As an extremely experienced and trained Saiyan warrior, Vegeta can move and fly at hypersonic and eventually light speeds, enabling him the ability to travel great distances in short periods of time, or move at «untrackable» speeds while in combat.
- Superhuman Durability: As a highly trained Saiyan, Vegeta’s body is far more durable than that of normal human beings, being essentially invulnerable to all Earthling-made weapons. However, while naturally durable thanks to his Saiyan physiology, he does have limits, as other powerful beings as himself can hurt, and potentially kill him, if he does not defend himself correctly, and when purposely lowering his guard and ki to protect him, even an energy wave from Krillin, a being far weaker than himself, was capable of leaving him near death, though it did require two attempts from the later, with Vegeta claiming his first try was useless.
- Superhuman Senses: Vegeta is able to think and react at extremely high speeds, easily able to dodge or catch projectiles fired from weapons, or even keep up with incredible combat speeds from his opponents. As a Saiyan, Vegeta also has enhanced senses of smell, taste and sight, which further increase his combat senses and instincts.
Energy Abilities
As a elite Saiyan warrior, Vegeta has great mastery over his own Ki, the natural life force every being has, and uses it to increases his fighting abilities.
- Flight – The ability to take flight through the manipulation of ki. As a Saiyan, Vegeta can naturally fly at incredible speeds with minimal effort.
- Ki Sense – The ability to sense the energy of other beings. Vegeta learned this technique after his first battle against Goku on Earth.
- Ki Transfer – Vegeta can grant some of his energy to a wounded person to restore some of their energy.
- Godly Ki mastery – Vegeta can change the nature of his Ki to that of the gods, increasing his power drastically. With the Godly Ki, Vegeta gains access to god-level transformations such as the Super Saiyan God and the Super Saiyan Blue.
- Spirit Control — Having achieved Spirit Control to a greater degree than Goku, Vegeta became able to use his power to a much greater extent.
- Hakai — The ability of Gods of Destruction of destroying anything from existence. Vegeta became proficient with this skill, being recognized by Beerus himself and given a signature God of Destruction earring as proof of his mastery over this ability.
Mental Abilities
- Extremely high willpower – Vegeta’s willpower, which is mainly fueled by his pride as the prince of the Saiyans, is such that he can stand great physical and mental stress. His willpower is such that he can remain immobile for days under the extreme conditions of a wasteland or counter Babidi’s powerful Manipulation Sorcery.
- Gag manga awareness: Vegeta is capable of being aware of when he has entered into a gag manga environment, as opposed to his usual battle manga one. He is also capable of switching to a gag manga type fighting style in these situations, which he displays against Arale.
- Genius of Combat: Vegeta is a brilliant tactician having shown his skills many times on the battlefield. He was able to trick Dr. Gero into retreating using reverse psychology.
Bardock — The Father of Goku
Vegeta as a kid in Bardock — The Father of Goku
Vegeta as a kid in Bardock — The Father of Goku
Kid Vegeta in Bardock — The Father of Goku
Vegeta finds out that Planet Vegeta was destroyed in Bardock — The Father of Goku
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Fusion Reborn
Super Saiyan Vegeta in Fusion Reborn
Super Saiyan Vegeta attacks
Vegeta attacks Janemba
Vegeta getting choked by Janemba
Vegeta yells at Goku
Vegeta’s last moment in Hell
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Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!
Vegeta in Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!
Vegeta surprised
Vegeta is angry
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Battle of Gods
Vegeta from Saiyan Sage in Battle of Gods movie
Vegeta from Saiyan Sage in Battle of Gods movie
Vegeta from Saiyan Sage in Battle of Gods movie
Vegeta from Saiyan Sage in Battle of Gods movie
Vegeta training
Vegeta listens to Bulma
Vegeta shouts at Bulma
Vegeta is hearing Beerus’ voice
Vegeta looks for Beerus
Vegeta looks for Beerus
Vegeta looks for Beerus
Vegeta found Beerus
Teen Vegeta in Battle of Gods movie
Vegeta watching his father being used as a footrest by the God of Destruction
Teen Vegeta in Battle of Gods movie
Vegeta and Bulma
Vegeta looks at Beerus dance
Vegeta and Beerus
Vegeta on stage in Battle of Gods
Vegeta dance
Vegeta dance
Vegeta dance
Vegeta dance
Vegeta dance
Vegeta dance
Vegeta tells Beerus to stop
Vegeta in Super Saiyan form
Vegeta punched in the face
Vegeta tells Gotenks he can not win
Vegeta saw Beerus hit Bulma
Vegeta turns Super Saiyan
Super Saiyan Vegeta angry
Vegeta hits Beerus
Vegeta and Majin Buu
Everyone cheering at Vegeta
Vegeta and Goku
Vegeta and Videl
Vegeta and Goku
Vegeta looks at the battle between Goku and Beerus
Vegeta and Gohan
Vegeta and Krillin
Vegeta and Trunks
Vegeta,Goku and Piccolo
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Resurrection ‘F’
Vegeta and Goku train with Whis
Vegeta in Resurrection ‘F’ movie
Vegeta and Goku
Vegeta and Goku
Vegeta vs Whis
Vegeta amazed by Frieza’s power
Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta in Resurrection ‘F’
Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and Frieza
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Baby Vegeta in Broly
Vegeta and Raditz in Broly
Kid Vegeta in Broly
Vegeta vs Goku
Vegeta and Goku in Broly
Vegeta is very angry with Goku
Vegeta and King Vegeta in Broly
Vegeta vs Broly
Vegeta Super Saiyan form in Broly
Vegeta and Goku’s first battle in Broly
Vegeta during the Vegeta Saga in Broly
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- Vegeta’s rivalry with Goku has made him so determined to be the one to beat him, that he actually saved Goku’s life numerous times.
- Unlike other characters, Vegeta has always referred to Goku by his Saiyan name, «Kakarot», with a few rare exceptions.
- Counting his Super Saiyan 3 form in Raging Blast, Vegeta has apparently reached every Super Saiyan form, since it was stated that he could use the Ultra Super Saiyan form, but didn’t because of the fact it takes away speed.
- Technically, Vegeta should be the «king» of the Saiyans due to his father’s death but has never referred to himself by this title, possibly out of respect for his father.
- Though he lost his father during his childhood, Vegeta seems to have inherited his father’s talent for applying military tactics in real-time fieldwork.
- In his first few appearances in Dragon Ball Z, Vegeta had a completely different color scheme with orange and green armor and brown hair.
- As the Dragon Ball Z series went on, Vegeta wore less and less of his armor, first losing the crotch guard after the Saiyan saga, then the shoulder guards during the Captain Ginyu Saga, then just a chest plate in the Android saga, and finally in the World Tournament Saga where he wore no armor at all.
- After the Frieza Saga, it seemed as if Vegeta’s left arm took the most damage whenever he was badly hurt in battle.
- He has a habit of referring to himself in the third person whenever he’s in a Super Saiyan form.
- Vegeta is the only pure-blooded Saiyan seen in the series whose children weren’t born with the black spiky hair and black eyes commonly seen in Saiyans.
- Vegeta is one of Goku’s major rivals in the series, alongside Hit and Jiren.
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“ | Jiren: Your battle is already over, Saiyan. You know it’s futile and yet something pushes you to keep going. What could it be?Vegeta: Good question. But even if I told you, you wouldn’t understand, because you’re just a cold-blooded bastard. You wouldn’t know what it means to fight for others with all your heart and soul! | „ |
~ Vegeta’s determination. |
Vegeta is a cold and disdainful man, as well as bitter about the destruction of his people and their time under Frieza’s boot. Because of his title as a prince and his Saiyan heritage, he feels that he is superior to almost everyone else and thinks Saiyans are the strongest race in the universe. Ever since he was a child, Vegeta has had no problem with killing but has become less inclined to do so over time. In fact, he has stated that he became a ruthless killer and warrior due to Frieza making him so, indicating he could have turned out differently. As time went on, Vegeta eventually lost his mercilessness and cruelty, becoming more relaxed and very attached to his wife and children. After becoming Majin Vegeta, he did return to his former ways, but it was just a failed attempt to regain his cruelty, thinking that was what made him strong before. As one of the elites of the Saiyan race, Vegeta was obsessed with becoming a Super Saiyan, something that is legendary amongst his people. He was also obsessed with surpassing his rival, Goku, and in the movie, Fusion Reborn, he actually wept at his inability to do so. However, as Goku fought Kid Buu, Vegeta finally admitted that his rival was superior and his rivalry towards him has become more of a friendly one. Vegeta is rather aggressive and easily enraged, but can also be rather intelligent and serious, though he possesses a dry, even dark sense of humour, often mocking his enemies. Despite his arrogance and feelings of superiority, Vegeta has at times shown fear of powerful opponents but has always continued to fight them.
Vegeta is an extremely powerful warrior, rivalled only by Goku. As a Saiyan, he possesses superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and durability and gains a significant increase in power whenever he is injured. Vegeta can manipulate energy in the form of blasts and flight, as well as sense the energy of others, and with his tail, he can become a Great Ape by being exposed to Blutz Waves, increasing his power ten times.
Vegeta using his Big Bang Attack
Like many characters in the Dragon Ball series, Vegeta has a number of signature techniques that he uses. One is the Big Bang Attack, where he fires a medium-sized ball of energy from his hand, generating a sizable explosion. Another is Galick Gun, one of his most powerful attacks early on in the series, where Vegeta holds his hands in front of his torso with the backs parallel to each other while bending to one side, charging energy around him before thrusting his hands forward, firing a beam of energy.
Vegeta using his Final Flash
Another of his techniques is the Final Flash, where Vegeta holds his hands out at his sides, charging energy in them, before bringing them together in front of him and firing a powerful blast of energy. The next of Vegeta’s techniques is Super Energy Wave Volley, where he fires a fast barrage of energy waves at the opponent. Another is the Final Shine Attack, where he holds his hand at his side, charging a sphere of energy in it, then brings his hang forward, firing a powerful blast. Vegeta has the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan, where his power and abilities greatly increases beyond his normal form, and he had been obsessed with obtaining this form for most of his life, especially after he saw others do so.
Vegeta as an Ascended Super Saiyan
When he transforms into a Super Saiyan, Vegeta’s hair turns pale blond, his eyes become green, and his body becomes slightly more muscular. He later gained the form of an Ascended Super Saiyan, which is a more advanced level of the Super Saiyan form and is much more powerful than the normal form. In this form, Vegeta calls himself «Super Vegeta» with his muscles increasing in size and his hair becoming larger and spikier.
Vegeta in Super Saiyan 2 form
Eventually Vegeta gained the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan 2, which is a successor transformation to the normal Super Saiyan form. It gives him much greater strength, speed, and energy output and causes his hair to become longer and spikier, as well as electricity to appear in the energy aura surrounding him. Vegeta later gained the form of Super Saiyan 4, after Bulma empowered him with a Blutz Wave generating machine, though it made him transform into a Golden Great Ape at first.
Vegeta as a Super Saiyan 4
He managed to regain consciousness in that form, allowing him to make the jump to Super Saiyan 4. Vegeta becomes even more powerful when he transforms into this form since it is the perfect combination of Super Saiyan and Great Ape forms. In this form, he gains red fur on much of his body and tail, his hair becomes longer, more wild,
Vegeta as a Super Saiyan 3
and brown in colour and his eyes become aqua coloured. In the Raging Blast video games, Vegeta gained the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan 3, a transformation level above the Super Saiyan 2 transformation and dramatically increasing his power, but has never done this in the anime or manga. Vegeta also learned how to perform
Gogeta (in Super Saiyan form)
the Fusion Dance with Goku, causing them to fuse together into the more powerful Gogeta, which they have used when facing highly powerful opponents. However, this technique has to be performed exactly correct or it will result in a fusion that’s actually less powerful than the fusees and it only lasts 30 minutes. Then the fuses have to wait an hour before they can do it again.